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Prayer 2.5.23

Prayer 2.5.23

God of the way,

    and the truth,

         and all of life -

   God of all,

       we pray to you tonight

     from the midst of this labyrinth of life.

Some of us come

     knowing very well the path we’re on.

Some of us come,

   feeling like we’ve been running in circles.

Some of us, God,

    some of us come knowing too well the hard things that linger here.

So God,

    meet us, in all the places we bring with us here.

Meet us along this way,

    and remind us again that we don’t journey alone.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

So God for those of us journeying a sweet spot right now,

    for those of us feeling like we’re where we need to be,

   for those noticing the laughter,

       and holding tight to abundance,

    God let our    feet    slow.

Let us not move too quickly.

Let us linger,

    and breathe,

       and rest,

            and find something like restoration.

Let us not hurry to the reward,

     when we might be in it.

God for all those journeying in good parts,

    let us notice, celebrate, and give thanks.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

God for all of those journeying a hard season -

    for those of us feeling like we’ve long lost the way,

  for those who have found ourselves in something like a valley,

       who feel stuck, or trapped,

     or unable -

           or unwilling - to get up the other side,

       God be present here.

Help us to zoom out.

Let us not be so consumed by our present circumstance

      that we forget there is more to be found.

Be present God,

    in the seasons that always feel longer than they should be,

          and give us some refuge until we can journey on.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

And God, for all of those somewhere in the middle of the extremes,

     for those of us walking paths that feel ordinary,

             consumed by routines that are necessary,

                   perhaps even boring -

       God for all those journeying ordinary days -

     let blessing be found here.

For most of our days are these.

And there is risk here,

     that we walk this path with such regularity,

           that we forget you are present here too.

So God, interrupt these regular days

     with little glimpses of blessing.

Help us to pause just long enough to notice

     all that is good here.

And when it is time, God,

    because it is not just life you’ve made us for, but life in abundance -

        so when it is time, God, topple our routines,

     and call us into new seasons - hard and holy -

          that we might not forget what we’re made for.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

So God of every season,

    God of every way, and all the truth, and life that overflows,

        God meet us each as we journey around this labyrinth of life,

     holding tight to you, giving thanks for one another,

         as we pray as you taught us…

Prayer 2.19.23

Prayer 2.19.23

Prayer 1.29.23

Prayer 1.29.23