
I am ordained in a denomination that guides itself by the mantra "decently and in order." I've always found it to be odd. We know that life is neither decent nor in order. But like most pieces of church and faith, this statement is less an assessment of what is, and more a hope of what might be. Perhaps our only work is that which God began in Genesis - to bring some order to the chaos that surrounds us. To create some beautiful things in the midst of the messes.

I find myself called to the ordering and disordering, often in equal measure. Most days, I try to keep it decent. I'm sharing my writings and reflections here, in the hope that y’all might find them helpful, or at least entertaining. I wouldn’t be who I am without the stories of those who have encouraged me along the way. If my stories can encourage and accompany you in whatever chaos you face, I’ll be grateful.

With all the hope and very few answers, I share my adventures. Xoxo. 


Hallie Hottle is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church USA. She lives in Kansas City, MO with her husband, Nick Dorn, her son, and a rescued pack of dogs.