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Prayer 8.14.21

Prayer 8.14.21

A prayer for a sermon series on “senses”…

God of all our senses,

    God who creates,

       God who sees,

   God of all we praise you and pray to you -

        that you are the God who makes us,

               just like you do.

That you didn’t just make us to exist,

     but to delight in our own creation.

Not just to eat - but to taste,

    not just to see what is around us -

        but to marvel at beauty,

    not just to smell -

         but to be immersed, transformed,

     not just to move -

          but to dance.

God it seems you made us in such a way,

     that we could enjoy your creation.

It seems you made us in such a way,

     that you wanted us to enjoy You.

So God of our senses,

     help us to notice you with our whole selves this night,

     and hear our delight as praise.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of all our senses,

    we pray to you tonight

       with eyes closed -

    acknowledging that this is too often

           how we move through our days.

For we know God,

     that sight is about more than seeing.

We know God,

         that you have more in mind for us

      than the blur we see through days endured.

We need you God,

    to open us -

          to the beauty you weave around us.

Open us -

      to the glimpses of mystery you call us into.

Open us -

       to the people,

              all of the people,

        who reflect your fingerprints,

           who invite us to kindness,

        who gift us with opportunity

              to paint the kind of beauty you delight in.

God of our seeing,

     open us to see the “more” you have in mind for us.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of all our senses,

   we pray to you tonight in gratitude,

        that you are the God who sees.

That from Hagar to Thomas -

      you do not let your children wander too far.

That no matter the wilderness we find ourselves in,

           you see us - and know us - and are never outside our reach.

So we pray that you see us tonight, God,

     the things we’ve proud to show you,

           and all the things we try so hard to hide.

See us, God,

     even as we squirm in the discomfort

             of ourselves fully revealed.

See us, God,

      and embrace us, just as we are,

           that we might know, we are known -

       that we might trust, we are loved.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

So God of all our senses -

     God who creates beauty,

          and God who sees,

    be with us here, we pray,

        as we say together the words you gave us,

      for this and every day - Our Father…

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A Blessing for Backpacks...

