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Welcome to my blog. Enjoy what’s helpful. Ignore the rest. Xoxo.

a sending for quarantine days...

a sending for quarantine days...

Worship always ends with a "sending,"

      but in these days, 

      there is nowhere else for us to be.

So instead of being sent out, 

       may you be sent “in.”

Inward, closer to your own heart, 

    closer to the God who loves you,

        closer to all the things that make you “you.” 

May you dive deeply into the recesses of your soul,

    the internal sanctuaries you're often too busy to visit.

May your boredom summon bravery,

    that you might examine the demons you avoid,

       learn they are only shadows.

May you rediscover the joy of being yourself,

    the glorious mess that God knit you together to be.

So go, use these holy days

      to journey more deeply than you have before,

   remembering that you don’t go alone,

   remembering that the light shines, 

      and nothing will ever overcome it. Amen.

Reading Rizpah

Reading Rizpah

What God Can Do With Dust

What God Can Do With Dust