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Reflection on Joseph's story...

He planned to dismiss her quietly.

As if “quiet” was an option.

As if her stomach wouldn’t grow, 

    and grow,

         and grow.

As if the whispers wouldn’t overcome.

As if the life of the young,



        would be allowed to be anything like quiet.

He planned to dismiss her quietly,

    for he a righteous man.

Forever solidifying “the righteous man.” 

Forever inscribing into history,

   the guise of righteousness,

      to justify the dismissal of women.

He planned to dismiss her quietly,

    unwilling to expose her to public disgrace.

Sacrificing her privately,

    to preserve his good name.

Distancing himself from what would come,

    when her stomach was exposed

He planned to dismiss her quietly,

   but angels intervened.

For God to be born 

   heaven knew the man had to be warned.

Heaven knew the woman,

   mother of God, 

      wouldn’t be believed.

He planned to dismiss her quietly,

   like so many before.

Like so many since.

From whispers to hush money,

   methodology the only evolution.

He planned to dismiss her quietly.

He didn’t plan on the intervention of angels. 

He didn’t see the salvation of the world,

    resting in her womb.

Prayer 1.20.19

Two Years Later.

Two Years Later.