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Prayer 12.2.18

So holy, hopeful, God,

we come to you this Advent season

    grateful for an Advent season.

We come to you wondering how we’re already here again.

We come to you feeling like the time of 

     hymns and hope might never arrive.

We come cold, from the loneliness drenching our world.

We come sweaty and tired, for there is so much to get done.

We come broken, 

     and breaking,

   for things we have done,

      and so, so many things we just can’t do.

We come, God, tripping into your worship

    in all sorts of different ways,

    but we come,

       to draw near to you,

    the One who couldn’t stay away from us.

Lord hear us, Give us hope we pray.

So hear our collective hope, holy God,

    hear us, most especially in this season.

Hear our prayers, even when they sound like sighs,

    and hear our hunger for you

        that often comes out as desperate lists.

Hear our cries for better days,

    even when they couch themselves in outrage.

Hear our song of Emmanuel, 

    and do what you do, holy God.

Show up in light and life.

Show off in the places feeling darkest.

Shine through all that we are,

    and all that we see,

   so that we might notice the fragments of light

      that bounce and play and leave no darkness unattended.

Hear us, most especially in this season, Holy God,

    and transform us through your practice of Hope.

Lord hear us, Give us hope we pray.

Begin us here, in hope, holy God.

And light our path through this season,

   that we might know you hear us,

       that we might let that knowing change us,

    that we might be bearers of Good News,

  no matter the darkness of the night.

Two Years Later.

Two Years Later.

We knew they were coming...

We knew they were coming...