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Prayer 9.2.18 (Labor Day)

Holy God,

how do we consider what it means to labor and to rest,

    we who are busy,

       with the things you give us to be busy with?

We, entrenched in economies that keep us working,

    that keep us moving,

       that teach us that to rest will prevent the winning?

How do we consider what it means to labor and rest,

    we who work for that which is not bread,

        and strive for that which is not food?

For it is you, o God, who tells us to work for the better things,

    the harder things, 

        the holy things.

But how can we stop and see, O God?

   For there is so much to do.

Help our schedules find the space we need, God,

   to reconsider our labors,

        to work with and for you.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy God,

how do we consider what it means to labor and to rest,

    we whose hands are clean?

For you taught us about fields and weeds,

    seeds and gleaning rules,

         …but our food appears on shelves.

It is pulled from land we don’t encounter,

   harvested by children of yours, whom we’ll never know. 

How do we consider what it means to labor and rest,

    we who don’t sweat, outside of bike rides and gym visits?

How do we consider what it means to labor and to rest,

    we, who turn on lights,

      and drive our cars,

           and allow water to wash down drains?

For our labor is enabled by resources 

         that you have gifted in limited supply.

Our labor is enabled by hands,

       without the privilege of rest. 

So as we consider what it means to labor this day, God,

    help us to see, to consider, to take care,

   for you remind us, our labor is never done alone.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy God,

how do we consider what it means to labor and to rest,

     we whose work is distant from the fields and the factories

           that power us?

We who exist in this time and place where walls are built,

    carefully, intentionally,

       accidentally, unfortunately,

   when walls are built to keep us separate 

        from those who labor differently?

How do we consider what it means to labor and to rest,

   isolated in our chambers of self-care,

      overwhelmed with worries and work,

   unable to see past our silos?

Might you do some breaking here, God,

     like you have through ages past?

Might you work to break apart our walls,

    and call us to help,

   that we might see those on every side,

       and come to know we do not labor alone?

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy God,

help us to reconsider, 

    as we gather to find rest from our labor,

       how we might work towards your kingdom,

   past our walls,

      beyond our divides,

  for the things that give life,

         and life in abundance.

Help us to reconsider, 

    how we might labor in ways

  that help all your children find rest.

We lift our prayers, our hearts, our labors to you, holy God,

    praying the prayer to taught us,

  praying in unison, against all walls that seek to divide us in this day,

Our Father…

Prayer 9.9.18

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