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A Litany of New Beginnings

(Written for the planting of a new satellite congregation, Village on Antioch, February 2018.)

In the beginning, there was chaos.

   And with Word and Light, God did a new thing.

Abraham and Sarah feared the promise wouldn’t be true,

   and with stars and with laughter, God did a new thing.


Our ancestors cried out from the land of Egypt,

   and with unlikely leaders and parted seas, God did a new thing.


In the wilderness our ancestors wandered,

   and with water from rocks and bread from heaven, God did a new thing.


In the time of exile, the Israelites grew weary,

   and with prophet and promise, God did a new thing.


At the cross disciples weeped and abandoned,

   and with rolling stone and women’s witness, God did a new thing.


In Jerusalem Christ’s followers feared and waited,

   and with wind and fire, God did a new thing.


At Antioch, the early Church stumbled and formed,

   and with faithful witness and divisions destroyed, God did a new thing.


Since the beginning of our faith story, God has never called us back.

   Our God calls us into new things, again and again.


So God, we pray you continue your story in our midst.

   Create from our chaos,

     equip us to shine light in the darkest places,

        form us into the Church of your choosing,

    that all your children might find your love here. 


We recommit ourselves to your call, to be your Church in this day,

   so keep calling us into new things, again and again. 


Muddled Metaphors

The ritual of last days...

The ritual of last days...